Diagrama de temas

  • General

    • Abrió: domingo, 4 de febrero de 2024, 15:11
      Cerró: sábado, 2 de marzo de 2024, 23:59
    • Apertura: domingo, 25 de febrero de 2024, 10:51
      Cierre: domingo, 25 de febrero de 2024, 23:51
    • Abrió: miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2024, 10:26
      Cerró: domingo, 17 de marzo de 2024, 23:59
    • Apertura: domingo, 7 de abril de 2024, 18:48
      Cierre: domingo, 7 de abril de 2024, 23:59
  • The media


    • Abrió: viernes, 15 de marzo de 2024, 15:12
      Cerró: sábado, 27 de abril de 2024, 23:59
  • Holidays


    • Apertura: domingo, 21 de abril de 2024, 11:05
      Cierre: domingo, 28 de abril de 2024, 23:59
    • Apertura: viernes, 26 de abril de 2024, 00:00
      Cierre: sábado, 27 de abril de 2024, 14:00
    • Abrió: lunes, 11 de marzo de 2024, 18:17
      Cerró: viernes, 24 de mayo de 2024, 23:59
  • Migration


  • Tema 4

    • Apertura: jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2023, 13:23
      Cierre: viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2023, 23:59

      Choose one situation and role play it. Use conditional 0 or 1, used to, past simple, past continuous and present perfect.



      A: Recently you’ve introduced some changes to your lifestyle and noticed very positive results:

      ·         You’ve lost some weight.

      ·         You’ve got more energy.

      ·         Your general quality of life improved.


      Here the changes you’ve made. Tell your friend to try them out as well:

      ·         You eat only raw food.

      ·         You gave up using public transport and you walk everywhere (You walk about 30 km a day)

      ·         You sleep 8 hrs every night.


      A: Your friend has recently introduced some lifestyle changes. Find out exactly what these changes are and how they work. Express your criticism of the changes because you don’t think they are going to work well in the long run.



       B: Recently you’ve introduced some changes to your lifestyle and noticed very positive results:

      ·         You quit smoking (you were a chain smoker for years)

      ·         You feel less anxious.

      ·         Your general quality of life improved.


      Here the changes you’ve made. Tell your friend to try them out as well:

      ·         You practice yoga 5 times a week (10 hrs a week)

      ·         You go to an acupuncture session every week to help you kick the habit.

      ·         You sleep only for 5 hrs a day.


      B: Your friend has recently introduced some lifestyle changes. Find out exactly what these changes are and how they work. Express your criticism of the changes because you don’t think they are going to work well in the long run.



      C: Recently you’ve introduced some changes to your lifestyle and noticed very positive results:

      ·         Your health improved significantly (no headaches)

      ·         You got bad in shape.

      ·         Your general quality of life improved.


      Here the changes you’ve made. Tell your friend to try them out as well:

      ·         You fast (don’t eat at all) two days a week.  5 days a week you eat all you want.

      ·         You never sit- you only walk or lie when you sleep.

      ·         You try to sleep 6 hrs at night and take 20 minutes nap around 3 pm.


      C: Your friend has recently introduced some lifestyle changes. Find out exactly what these changes are and how they work. Express your criticism of the changes because you don’t think they are going to work well in the long run.



      D: Recently you’ve introduced some changes to your lifestyle and noticed very positive results:

      You sleep much better.

      You’ve lost a lot of weight.

      Your general quality of life improved.


      Here the changes you’ve made. Tell your friend to try them out as well:

      ·         You only eat one meal a day, you can eat whatever you want but it was to be between 5 and 7 pm.

      ·         You only do 7 minutes of exercise a day.

      ·         You only sleep 5 hrs at night and take two 15-minute naps during the day.

      D: Your friend has recently introduced some lifestyle changes. Find out exactly what these changes are and how they work. Express your criticism of the changes because you don’t think they are going to work well in the long run.


      Letters to authorities are formal pieces of writing. They express a person’s concern about and views on a certain matter and usually contains suggestions on how to tackle a problem. You need to state the nature of the problem and its causes and effects.

      Each point should be presented in a separate paragraph containing a clear topic sentence supported by examples and/or justification.

       Follow this outline and remarks:

      Set out the name and address of your AUTHORITY in the top left-hand corner of the page. As a general rule, MPs should be addressed ‘Mr/Mrs/Dr/Ms, first name initial, last name, MP’. For example:

       Dr A. Aly MP

       Member for Cowan

       PO Box 219

       Kingsway WA 6065

       Politicians who have been or are government ministers will have the title “The Honourable” prefixing their name. For example, Hon A. N. Albanese MP.

       Start your letter as follows: ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ or ‘Dear Mr/Mrs/Dr/Ms Last Name’.


      INTRODUCTION: State your reason(s) for writing and opinion and introduce yourself. For example, in your opening sentence you could mention you are constituent (voter) .


      Paragraph 2: Describe the problem and consequence(s)

      Paragraph 3: suggest solutions/measures to be taken.

      CONCLUSION: Closing remark


       Take into account this useful language:

      To begin letters:

      I am writing to/ draw (bring) your attention to … /you on behalf  of .../ you in my capacity as .../ express my approval (support) or disapproval of  (protest about)…

      To state your opinion:

      In my opinion(view)/ I feel(believe, think)/It seems to me that/ I am totally opposed to/in favour of / It is my firm opinion(belief, conviction) that … / I am convinced that …

      To express cause:

      Because/Owing (Due) to the fact that/ On the grounds that / Since / As / In view of / Because of / Owing to / For this reason / Seeing that

      To express effect:

      Thus / Therefore / Subsequently, / As a result,  / As a consequence, / for this reason, 

      To end letters:

      I look forward to hearing from you.

      I hope (that) you will give you this your urgent / careful, further) attention (consideration). 

      Use conditionals to express problems and results

    • Abrió: sábado, 1 de junio de 2024, 10:04
      Cerró: sábado, 1 de junio de 2024, 11:34